Brew Guides & Education

Coffee Origin: Myanmar (The Past & Present, Processing and Taste)

Coffee Origin: Myanmar (The Past & Present, Processing and Taste)

“They're backyard gardens, they are small patches of land that seeds have been thrown onto,” explained Cole Torode, Director of Coffee at Rosso Coffee, on the Myanmar production he visited...
July 26, 2020 — Suneal Pabari
Coffee Origin: Uganda (The Plants, History, Arabica vs Robusta & Processing)

Coffee Origin: Uganda (The Plants, History, Arabica vs Robusta & Processing)

In the June 2020 issue, we featured a coffee from Pop Coffee Works out of Toronto, Ontario, sourced from the origin of Uganda. It's a relatively uncommon origin for specialty coffee....
July 22, 2020 — Suneal Pabari
Coffee Origin: Timor-Leste (History, Farmers, Varietals & Production)

Coffee Origin: Timor-Leste (History, Farmers, Varietals & Production)

In the July 2020 issue, we featured a coffee from Propeller Coffee Co. out of Toronto Ontario, sourced from the origin of Timor-Leste. It was our first time ever featuring...
July 14, 2020 — Suneal Pabari
What’s the deal with Terroir?

What’s the deal with Terroir?

Often when speaking with coffee roasters, terroir is brought up as one of the qualities that makes a specific coffee special. With the 3 coffees featured this month, their uniqueness is absolutely related to their unique terroir. So, what does terroir really mean?

May 18, 2017 — Suneal Pabari

What’s the deal with taste notes?

This article is from our February 2017 issue where we included this amazing answer from Lee Knuttila, the lead roaster and green buyer at Cut Coffee (along with a fantastic El Sal that he roasted). We loved this answer so much we had to post it online for all to see.

February 03, 2017 — Adam Frank

Does Coffee Fight Depression?

Brewing Happiness

Every Monday morning we understand the magical properties of a cup of coffee as it gives us that boost to get the week started. However, does drinking it do more for you and your taste-buds than what you originally anticipated? 

When we went to visit one of our featured roasters from the September issue, Propeller Coffee Co., outside of the front of their café/roaster was an entertaining sign that read: “They say money can’t buy happiness. We say money can buy coffee. And that’s pretty close. Happiness Brewing here.”

It got us thinking. We dug into some scientific journals to see if there were any studies out there that helped answer this question: Does coffee improve happiness?

September 08, 2014 — Suneal Pabari
Kopi Luwak – 4 Reasons why it’s the Crappiest Coffee Available:

Kopi Luwak – 4 Reasons why it’s the Crappiest Coffee Available:

If you haven’t heard of Kopi Luwak, you might know it by what it’s most commonly called – “that cat poo coffee”.

It’s an Indonesian coffee product that has garnered a lot of attention specifically for the fact that a cat/raccoon like animal, the Asian Palm Civet, eats the coffee berry and digests it. From there the coffee is extracted from the excrement, roasted and brewed. Something that has been defecated ruins all preconceived notions of what should taste good - however it’s garnered the allure and the reputation of being the tastiest coffee available.

July 16, 2014 — Suneal Pabari

The Coffee Killer - Roya Rust Crisis:

Hemileia vastatrix has been recently covered in our Canadian media. It is bad news. In fact, it is one of the worst things to happen to our beloved coffee crops.

Michael King, owner of Bean North, explains the effect “It is basically devastating the coffee harvest in Central America right now where countries like Guatamala are down 60%. Some of the cooperatives we’ve purchased from for years – like one in El Salvador, has 0 coffee to export this year.”

Where did the word “Coffee” come from?

The history of the coffee plant itself is pretty wild as it meandered its way across the world – from East Africa to the Middle East to Europe and further...
March 21, 2014 — Suneal Pabari