Now taking orders for the April 7th shipment.
Choose your coffee discovery.
3 new delicious coffees every month, from small-batch Canadian
specialty coffee roasters.
With brew guides, tasting notes, origin
deep dives, special extras, and more. Every month.
How do you drink your coffee?

Coffee is selected based on your tastes. Don’t worry, you can always change this.

What flavour sounds best to you?

We taste hundreds of coffees to only source the best gems. Last year we featured over 50 small batch Canadian roasters!

What size would you like?
You can edit, skip or cancel at any time. Ships every four weeks, but you can always change that too.
Makes 23-35
As low as $35.95
Save money per cup and drink the best specialty coffee. Oh, and free shipping on all subscriptions & gifts across Canada & USA.

How would you like your coffee?
You can always change this at any time.

We support local roasters. All of our coffees are ethically sourced and environmental-friendly packaged.

How many shipments would you like to receive?
We ship you coffee every 4 weeks, but don't worry, you can always change your shipment frequency, skip a shipment or pause on your account at any time.
Free shipping on all subscriptions & gifts across Canada & USA.

Please answer all of the questions!
We're grinding away to find your perfect match...

You'll love the



Chocolatey & Full-Bodied Espresso Pack
for a total of .
( per shipment - or per cup)

Each month you'll get to try three new Canadian small-batch roasters. Supporting and discovering new roasters is what we help you do.

With each coffee, you'll also get a brew guide to help you get it tasting as great as the best specialty coffee shops in the country. Dialed in to perfection.
Can I change my coffee type after my first shipment?
Absolutely! You can easily swap between flavor profiles in your account. If you’re ever having any challenges, just email us, and we’ll be more than happy to help.
What if it’s too much coffee? Or not enough?
No problem! You can change your shipment frequency or size. If it’s too much coffee, you can switch to a smaller size or choose a frequency like every 5, 6, 7, or 8 weeks. If it’s not enough, you can always bump up your size. If you’re having any challenges, send us a message, and we’ll be more than happy to assist.
What if I want to cancel?
Easy. Just hop onto your account and hit the cancel button. We won’t stop you (though we’ll be a little sad). If you’re ever having any issues, send us a note and we’ll be more than happy to help.
What coffees do you feature? Is it Canadian? Is it ethical?
We only work with Canadian roasters! Last year we featured over 50 different Canadian, small-batch coffee roasters. We want you to be able to support the talented craft roasters all around Canada!
These roasters source their coffee from all over the world—usually through direct trade models that are transparent and equitable, often paying more than the fair-trade minimums.
Being an ethical company is a huge priority for us. We want to ensure that coffee remains a sustainable industry for years to come. Unfortunately, many of the current purchasing methods don’t account for the production costs for farmers, making coffee a non-viable opportunity for some producers.
Some examples of this can be found here (we featured three different producers from Mataquescuintla in our November 2021 issue and have bought from them for the past three years) or here (showing the breakdown of some of our coffees vs. Fair Trade). You can read about why transparency is important to us here.
Where do you ship from? Is shipping free?
We’re based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada! Shipping is free for all gifts and subscriptions. Plus, subscribers get free shipping via bundling on everything else in our store—one of the perks of being a subscriber!
Would you like any add-ons?

How to make Coffee