Brew Guides & Education

Q&A with Bows Coffee Roasters & Torch Song Cafe

Q&A with Bows Coffee Roasters & Torch Song Cafe

Drew Johnson, the Owner of Bows Coffee Roasters, has a new venture: Torch Song—a cafe, record shop, book store and restaurant. We caught up with Johnson to learn more about...
June 28, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Carsen Oglend of Drumroaster Coffee

Q&A with Carsen Oglend of Drumroaster Coffee

Carsen Oglend and his parents opened Drumroaster Coffee in 2007. Located in a shopping complex off the Trans-Canada Highway on Vancouver Island, Drumroaster has become a destination spot for vacationers...
June 26, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Timbertrain Coffee Roasters

Q&A with Timbertrain Coffee Roasters

We caught up with Peter Kim, the Co-Owner of Timbertrain Coffee Roasters and Kat McClure, the Head Roaster, to learn more about how Timbertrain began and the surprising overlap between...
June 05, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Zachary Cox

Q&A with Zachary Cox

We caught up with Agro Roasters’ new Head Roaster, Zachary Cox, to learn how he got into specialty and the surprising overlap between sound engineering and roasting. - How did...
June 02, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Paprik Liu, National Barista Championship Competitor

Q&A with Paprik Liu, National Barista Championship Competitor

Paprik Liu, a Barista at Phil & Sebastian Coffee Roasters, recently qualified to go to Nationals for the Canadian National Barista Competition. We caught up with Liu to hear about...
May 29, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Cape Coffee

Q&A with Cape Coffee

Roasting from rural Cape Broyle, Newfoundland, and sister business of Bannerman Brewery, Cape Coffee, is trying to bring more specialty coffee to St. John’s. We caught up with their roasters,...
May 25, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Equator Coffee Roasters

Q&A with Equator Coffee Roasters

Hailing from Almonte, Ontario, a small town just outside Ottawa is Equator Coffee Roasters. We caught up with Craig Hall, the Founder, to learn how the coffee industry has changed...
May 05, 2023 — Zara Snitman
The Origin Story: Escape Coffee Roasters

The Origin Story: Escape Coffee Roasters

Everyone who works in coffee has their own personal coffee origin story, be it through college cafe jobs, traveling to coffee-growing regions, or by trying a fruit-bomb Ethiopian for the...
May 04, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Portfolio Coffee

Q&A with Portfolio Coffee

Portfolio Coffee has only been roasting under their own name for a few years but they have already started making waves in the industry. We chatted with their Head Roaster,...
May 02, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A With Detour Coffee Roasters

Q&A With Detour Coffee Roasters

We have been featuring Detour Coffee Roasters since the early days of The Roasters Pack, but we never had a chance to really chat with them about how they got...
April 26, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Escape Coffee Roasters Update

Escape Coffee Roasters Update

We chatted with David Boucher, the Co-Founder of Escape Coffee Roasters, to get an update on how things are going at their roastery. “The company and our products are all...
April 21, 2023 — Zara Snitman
Q&A with Rooftop Coffee Roasters

Q&A with Rooftop Coffee Roasters

Rooftop Coffee Roasters hails from Fernie, British Columbia, a mountain town with a population of 5,000. We caught up with their Head Roaster, Keegan Street, to learn how he went...
April 06, 2023 — Zara Snitman