Brew Guides & Education

The Water You Brew With And Why It Matters

The Water You Brew With And Why It Matters

Have you ever wondered why your coffee doesn’t taste as perfect as your local specialty coffee shop’s? Maybe water could turn things all around.
September 11, 2024 — Karen Duong
10 min read
Brewing Tips to Highlight Acidity

Brewing Tips to Highlight Acidity

July 04, 2024 — Dustin Yu
Brewing Tips to Reduce Acidity in Coffee

Brewing Tips to Reduce Acidity

Some people prefer less acidity in their cup. So, here are some tips and tricks on how you can reduce perceived acidity in your coffee!
May 07, 2024 — Dustin Yu
Latte Art Tips

Latte Art Tips

We have all been wowed when our barista hands us a latte adorned with a perfectly poured rosetta or, even more impressive, a true-to-life tulip on a cortado—it almost feels...
November 15, 2023 — Zara Snitman
How to Brew Naturally Processed Coffees...

How to Brew Naturally Processed Coffees...

...with our director of Coffee, Dustin Ryan Yu! Natural processed coffees are interesting because it is how coffees were traditionally processed. What most people drink and are familiar with though,...
December 05, 2022 — Zara Snitman
Prototype Coffee: Espresso Shots & Roasting Techniques

Prototype Coffee: Espresso Shots & Roasting Techniques

Espresso machines typically pull shots with 9 bars of pressure. This is the norm in the industry. But at Prototype Coffee in Vancouver, British Columbia, they have perfectly good reasons as to why...
October 21, 2022 — Zara Snitman
How should you store your coffee to maintain freshness?

How should you store your coffee to maintain freshness?

The aging of roasted coffee is linked to the rate it degasses. This is a complicated subject as coffees don’t degas at a fixed rate; there are many variables that impact the process....
October 21, 2022 — Zara Snitman
How To Dial In Your Espresso (Featuring Harken Coffee)

How To Dial In Your Espresso (Featuring Harken Coffee)

Sometimes in your Espresso Pack you might come across a coffee or two that are slightly different than what you're used to (don’t worry though, we can promise you they are delicious!)....
August 10, 2022 — Zara Snitman
How to Cup Coffee At Home

How to Cup Coffee At Home

What do green coffee buyers, roasters, quality control specialists, baristas, and coffee nerds have in common? They all cup coffee! If you're looking for a comprehensive guide on how to...
April 07, 2022 — Lauren Scratch
Why Does Coffee Water Matter?

Why Does Coffee Water Matter?

A cup of brew is typically made up of two elements, the actual coffee itself, and water (and milk and sugar sometimes which is okay too!). We put so much...
May 10, 2021 — Lauren Scratch
5 Steps to Making Amazing Coffee Blends

5 Steps to Making Amazing Coffee Blends

Coffee blends, some people love ‘em, other people avoid ‘em. Oftentimes they are dismissed as a way to get rid of excess coffee or to cheaply throw something together, but...
January 13, 2021 — Lauren Scratch

What is "the Bloom" and why should you care?

If you watched one of our recent videos on how to make coffee in the Hario V60 by Gabriel de Carvalho Dias from Carvalho Coffee, you would have heard him remark this about a coffee bloom:


“It’s so beautiful to see this”

This is the specific bloom he was referring to was this: