With water making up the majority of our cup, it is no wonder that it will have a great impact on the quality of our brew. Most specialty cafes have reverse osmosis (RO) water systems in place, and sometimes a remineralization process. These systems first filter out a wide range of impurities, including chlorine, minerals, and organic compounds, to bring the numbers to zero, then remineralize with magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium. A good combination of minerals help ensure that coffee's true flavours are highlighted without interference from unwanted elements in the water. However, chances are you don’t have a RO system in your home.
So, that leads us to our next big question:
Tap water can actually be suitable for brewing depending on where you live. Joseph, our Head of Operations, actually won 6th place out of 54 competitors in the Toronto Aeropress Regional Qualifiers using tap water (Click here for the BTS)!
Here are a few simple things you can check to see if your tap water is suitable for brewing: