Perfecting your grind with the KRUVE Sifter
Brewing coffee is all about extracting the right amount from the bean. When you extract too much, your coffee will start tasting bitter. When you extract too little, the opposite effect happens and your cup can become a sour.
One of the main reasons that this can happen is grind consistency – if your grind is too fine you could over extract, and vice versa if the grind is too coarse.
Just as if you’re cooking a meal, you want to chop your ingredients in equal sizes. Otherwise, the larger pieces will be under-cooked and the smaller pieces will be over-cooked or burnt.

When you're grind is uneven, you overextract some bits, and underextract some bits... It's Chaos!

Nice, uniform grinds give you a nice, uniform extraction.
What do you do if your grind has a mix of small and large pieces?
Your brew will be extracting inconsistently resulting in a cup with some portion being over extracted and bitter and some portion being under extracted and sour. This is why cafes invest in the best burr grinders as grind size and consistency is such an essential aspect of cup quality. It’s also why we love coffee sieves!
The Canadian company KRUVE recently Kickstarted an alternative method to perfect your grind which uses coffee sieves that removes the unwanted fines and boulders from your grinds, essentially bringing the worlds’ best grinders to your home. It’s recently been used in several Barista competitions – including being used by Ben Put, the 2016 Canadian Barista Champion!

The KRUVE Sifter
With the KRUVE Sifter, you can separate the junk in your grinds from the good stuff! Notice how all the dusty lumps are in the left tray and all the crackly yucky bits are in the right tray.
Pretty neat, eh?
Use code: KSRP2017 (Expires Feb 15, 2017!)
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We have a KRUVE up for grabs and we're giving it away to one of our lucky fans!
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